Thursday, January 5, 2012

30 days and 16 pounds down...

I always thought that If I ever was going to run, then it sure as heck would be in the winter as opposed to the summer, boy, was I wrong. It is really hard to get motivated to run in such cold weather. Don't get me wrong I still get my big behind outside in that 30 degree weather and I run my cold bones to death, but my oh my is its hard. My poor bones ache so much as I start to run, and I am pretty sure I am starting to get shin splints. I am pretty sure of this because the road I run on is pretty rocky and it makes it difficult to run, plus all this weight they have to support when I am running surely doesn't help any either. None the less I do it and I embrace the pain as I am only getting stronger and in the process dropping all this not so needed weight.

I have been wanting to start taking some vitamins. I know I need to take them, and they might even help me some, but my problem is I don't know which ones to get. I have been researching and every website tells me something different. So, what is the best vitamin to take? I have heard the Flintstones vitamin for kids are the best one to take because they provide you with everything that you need.

Today marks day 30 for me on this diet. I weighed myself in this morning and in 30 days I have lost 16 pounds. Even though I haven't really seen the changes in my body that I was hoping for I have seen changes in the scale, and for right now that is okay with me. I know as long as the scale keeps dropping then eventually the changes in my body will come along with that. I am determined this time to not stop my diet until I have gotten this weight off.


  1. Way to go! I know even though my scale keeps showing that I've lost it will take quite a bit for me to even notice, so, like you, I'm letting the scale numbers satisfy me for now.

    I'm still walking because I don't think my knees could take all of this weight running yet. Eventually I will be running again. I can't wait.

  2. I hate running in the cold. And I hate running in the heat. I'm basically impossible to please. :)

    Congrats on 16 pounds. You're a rock star!

  3. Great job Ashley! & You're awesome for running in the cold, I dislike the cold more than anything else, I could never do it. I wish you the best on your journey. :)

    Cute, cute blog btw!

    xo -S
